DKM-LFH SERIES – DIGITAL AUDIO OVERALL FOIL SCREENED SOLID CONDUCTOR MULTIPAIR CABLE Low fire hazard Wiring specifications for many public buildings now call for LFH cables to be used in certain areas, notably in corridors, risers etc. Under combustion circumstances, LFH cables have significantly reduced smoke emission, and the gaseous products contain no toxic halogens. … Continue reading "CANFORD DKM-LFH CABLE 25 pair"
DKM-LFH SERIES – DIGITAL AUDIO OVERALL FOIL SCREENED SOLID CONDUCTOR MULTIPAIR CABLE Low fire hazard Wiring specifications for many public buildings now call for LFH cables to be used in certain areas, notably in corridors, risers etc. Under combustion circumstances, LFH cables have significantly reduced smoke emission, and the gaseous products contain no toxic halogens. … Continue reading "CANFORD DKM-LFH CABLE 5 pair"
FSJ-LFH SERIES – FOIL SCREENED STRANDED CONDUCTOR INDIVIDUALLY JACKETED MULTIPAIR CABLE Low Fire Hazard This D’n’A series (Digital and Analogue) cable is designed to be suitable for both digital and analogue audio signals, with an impedance of 100 ohms which has been proven to be suitable for AES/EBU digital audio as well as analogue microphone … Continue reading "CANFORD FSJ-LFH CABLE 12 PAIR"
DKM-LFH SERIES – DIGITAL AUDIO OVERALL FOIL SCREENED SOLID CONDUCTOR MULTIPAIR CABLE Low fire hazard Wiring specifications for many public buildings now call for LFH cables to be used in certain areas, notably in corridors, risers etc. Under combustion circumstances, LFH cables have significantly reduced smoke emission, and the gaseous products contain no toxic halogens. … Continue reading "CANFORD DKM-LFH CABLE 10 pair"
FSJ-LFH SERIES – FOIL SCREENED STRANDED CONDUCTOR INDIVIDUALLY JACKETED MULTIPAIR CABLE Low Fire Hazard This D’n’A series (Digital and Analogue) cable is designed to be suitable for both digital and analogue audio signals, with an impedance of 100 ohms which has been proven to be suitable for AES/EBU digital audio as well as analogue microphone … Continue reading "CANFORD FSJ-LFH CABLE 4 pair"